
Colorlight Z4 Super Controller for Led Display Walls

Оригинална цена је била: $7,250.00.Тренутна цена је: $4,518.00.


Z4 is a professional LED display controller. As video splicer, processor and sender in one combined, Z4 has high capability of video signal reception, processing and transmission.

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Colorlight Z4 Super Controller is a professional LED display controller. As video splicer, processor and sender in one combined, Z4 has high capability of video signal reception, processing and transmission.

It achieves excellent high-definition images and flexible image control function. Z4 led file player can be applied to popular rental display and common fixed display perfectly.


Colorlight Z4 Super Controller LED Video Wall Processor

China Z4 Super Controller Manufacture and Factory


·Video input ports including 1×HDMI(with loop), 1×ДВИ(with loop), 2×SDI, 1×DP;

·Input resolution up to 1920×1200@60Hz;

·The input images can be scaled according to the screen resolution;

·Подржава функцију ПИП, локација и величина се могу слободно подесити;

·Supports 12bit HD video source;

·Носивост: 2.3 милиона пиксела; Maximum Width: 4096 пиксела, Maximum Height: 4096 пиксела;

·Supports splicing and cascading among several controllers with synchronization strictly;

·Supports brightness and chromaticity adjustment, color gamut transformation;

·Supports zero latency of sending;

·Supports improved gray-scale at low brightness;

·Подржава ХДЦП1.4;

·Компатибилан са свим пријемним картицама , multifunction card, optical fiber converters of Colorlight.

Input Index
ХДМИ HDMI1.4 input with loop
ДВИ DVI input with loop
СДИ 2×3G-SDI inputs
DP DP input
Излазни интерфејс
Гигабит Етхернет 4 Neutrik Gigabit Ethernet ports
Controlling Interface
100M Ethernet Network Control (communication with PC, or access network)
USB_OUT USB output, cascading with next controller
USB_IN USB input, connection with PC to configure parameters
Спецификација комплетне машине
Величина 1U standard box
Улазни напон АЦ 100~240В
Rated Power 20 В
Радна температура -25~80
Тежина 2кг

Додатне Информације


3 кг


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