
Colorlight X2s Colorlight Professional LED Display Panel Controller

Оригинална цена је била: $134.00.Тренутна цена је: $129.00.


X2s professional master is a professional LED display control device, with powerful video signal receiving and processing capabilities, and can receive high-definition digital signals of 1920*1200 пиксела; it supports HDMI and DVI high-definition digital interfaces, and seamless switching between multiple signals ; Support arbitrary scaling and cropping of video sources.

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Colorlight X2s Colorlight Professional LED Display Panel Controller Overview:

X2s professional master is a professional LED display control device, with powerful video signal receiving and processing capabilities, and can receive high-definition digital signals of 1920*1200 пиксела; it supports HDMI and DVI high-definition digital interfaces, and seamless switching between multiple signals ; Support arbitrary scaling and cropping of video sources.
X2s has 2 Излази гигабитног Етхернет порта, and a single machine can support LED displays with a maximum width of 4096 пиксела и максимално 2560 пиксела.

Colorlight X2s Colorlight Professional LED Display Panel Controller Features:

·X2s has 2 types of video input interfaces, including 1 HDMI and 2 ДВИ;
·Input resolution: до 1920* supports arbitrary setting of resolution;
·Video output load capacity: 1.31 милиона пиксела, до 4096 points wide, до 2560 points;
·Support arbitrary switching, scaling and cropping of video sources;
·Support screen shift;
·Dual USB2.0 high-speed communication interface for arbitrary cascade connection between computer debugging and main control;
·Support brightness and color temperature adjustment;
·Support low brightness and high gray;
· Support HDCP1.1;
·Support the full range of Colorlight receiving cards, multi-function cards and optical fiber transceivers.


Colorlight X2s Colorlight Professional LED Display Panel Controller Parameter:

Input Interface
Излазни интерфејс
Port1/2 РЈ45?? Гигабитни Етхернет портови
Controlling Interface
USB_OUT USB Used for cascading between x2s
USB_IN USB input, connected to PC, used to debug parameters
Input index
Интерфејс Qty Резолуција
ХДМИ 1 ХДМИ 1.4 standard,Подршка 1920*,Подржава ХДЦП
ДВИ 1 1 ДВИ 1.0 standard,Подршка 1920*,Подржава ХДЦП
ДВИ 2 1 ДВИ 1.0 standard,Подршка 1920*1200??0Хз,Подржава ХДЦП
Величина 1U standard
Улазни напон AC100~240V
Називна потрошња енергије
Working Temperture -20~60

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