
Цолорлигхт Кс12 контролер процесор ЛЕД дисплеј систем

Оригинална цена је била: $995.00.Тренутна цена је: $550.00.


Купите Цолорлигхт ЛЕД контролер екрана по фабричким ценама за ваше видео зидне панеле.

X12 controller boasts 12 1000BASE-T ports. A single unit features a loading capacity of 7.2 милиона пиксела, са 8192 pixels in maximum width or 4096 pixels in maximum height.

Испорука за све поруџбине широм света.

  • 30 дана лако враћа
  • Наручите своје пре 14:30 за отпрему истог дана
Гарантовано безбедно плаћање

Colorlight X12 Controller Processor is a professional control system and video processing device designed for led display engineering applications.

It has DVI and HDMI connectors, and supports seamless switching between multiple signals, broadcast quality scaling and multi-window display.

The X12 led display controller boasts 12 1000BASE-T ports. A single unit features a loading capacity of 7.2 милиона пиксела, са 8192 pixels in maximum width or 4096 pixels in maximum height.

У међувремену, the X12 led video processor is equipped with abundant practical functions that enable flexible screen control and high-quality image display, which gives it an edge in the LED display engineering application field, led controller software free.

Colorlight X12 Controller Processor System Features

·Улазни: 1×ДВИ, 3×HDMI1.4

·Носивост: 7.2 милиона пиксела, максимална ширина: 8192 пиксела, or maximum height: 4096 пиксела

·Input resolution: up to 1920×1200@60Hz, supporting customized setting

·Излаз: 12 Етхернет портови, supporting Ethernet port backup or sender backup

·Video source switching, cropping and scaling

·Support display of up to 3 windows, of which the location and size can be freely adjusted

·HDCP1.4 compliant

·Dual USB2.0 for high speed configuration, used for debugging or cascading with the X12 controller

·Support RS232 protocol

·Осветљеност, color temperature, contrast, hue and saturation adjustment

·Better gray at low brightness

·Compatible with all series of receiver cards, multifunction cards and fiber converters of Colorlight

Input Interface

DVI1.0 Standard (Support 1920×1200@60Hz, 1920×1080@60Хз)



HDMI1.4 Standard (Support 1920×1200@60Hz, 1920×1080@60Хз)

Support audio input


Излазни интерфејс
Port1-12 РЈ45, 12×1000BASE-T port
Controlling Interface
USB_IN USB input, connecting to PC for debugging
USB_OUT USB output, for cascading with the X12 controller
РС232 RJ11(6P6C)*, used to communicate via 3rd party interfaces
Аудио Интерфаце
AUDIO IN Audio input, for inputting audio signals from the computer or other devices
AUDIO OUT Audio output, for outputting audio signals to the speaker

(Support outputting the audio signals of HDMI)

Додатне Информације


9 кг


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