
Colorlight Q7 HD LED Transmitter with DVI and HDMI video input for Advertising Wall

Оригинална цена је била: $560.00.Тренутна цена је: $550.00.


Purchase Colorlight led controller systems for your stage rental and advertising video walls at best prices.

1.HD Transmitter is specially designed for large LED displays. 2.Supports DVI and HDMI video input, the maximum input resolution of 2560 * 1536 пиксела,and four Ethernet port outputs. 3.supports audio inputs, which is used to transmit the audio to the Multifunction Card, so that the audio can be output on the side of the display. У међувремену, 4.Default image on display when there is no signal, on-board test function, on-board temperature detection function.

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  • 30 дана лако враћа
  • Наручите своје пре 14:30 за отпрему истог дана
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Brief Introduction of Colorlight Q7 HD LED Transmitter with DVI and HDMI video input:

Q7 HD Transmitter is specially designed for large LED displays. Q7 supports DVI and HDMI video input, the maximum input resolution of 2560 * 1536 пиксела,
and contains four Ethernet port outputs. So that a single Q7 can support the large LED displays with any resolutions that the total quantity of pixels is less than
2621440 пиксела, e.g. 2560*1024, the width up to 2560 пиксела, or the height up to 1536 пиксела. Q7 also supports audio inputs, which is used to transmit the audio
to the Multifunction Card, so that the audio can be output on the side of the display. У међувремену, Q7 also has many useful functions, such as playing the default
image on display when there is no signal, on-board test function, on-board temperature detection function, итд.

Features of Colorlight Q7 HD LED Transmitter with DVI and HDMI video input:

Single card supports a maximum resolution of 2560 * 1536 пиксела, као такав 1920*1080, 1920*640, 1600*768, 1280*1024, 1280*720, 1024*768, итд.
Four Gigabit Ethernet ports output. Each port can control an area within 655360 пиксела.
Single card supports LED display with any resolutions that the total quantity of pixels is less than 2621440 пиксела, e.g. 2560*1024,1700*1536, the width up to
2560 пиксела, or the height up to 1536 пиксела.
Supports audio input.
USB interface for controlling and configuring.
Supports standard network transmission equipment, such as Fiber Converter, Gigabit Switch.
Supports commissioning and aging test the whole LED display without PC.
Supports adjusting brightness of 16 levels by the buttons on the front panel, that the adjustment can be effective immediately and saved automatically.
Supports Time Management Function that can follow up and manage the project process.
No need to configure the display again when you replace the receiving cards or cabinets.
Supports presetting images that can be showed on the LED display if there is no video input.

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