
Colorlight 5A-F Dual Mode LED Display Receiving Card for Advertising Walls

Оригинална цена је била: $38.00.Тренутна цена је: $35.00.


Purchase Colorlight led controller systems for your stage rental and advertising video walls at best prices.

1. ColorLight 5A-F Receiving Card support two working modes, Synchronous and Asynchronous mode. 2. 5A-F contains 2GigaBit onboard memory in each card to store offline content. 3. 5A-F LED receiver is widely used to the stadium, оглашавање, exhibition, demonstration, bidding and other occasions.

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  • 30 дана лако враћа
  • Наручите своје пре 14:30 за отпрему истог дана
Гарантовано безбедно плаћање

Features of Colorlight 5A-F Dual Mode LED Display Receiving Card:

5A-F Receiving Card support two working modes, Synchronous and Asynchronous mode, which can be switched to each other freely and conveniently.
5A-F Receiving Card can be used not only as a synchronous system, but also as an asynchronous system. The Special design ensures displays running
more secure and never breaking down. 5A-F contains 2GBit onboard memory in each card to store offline content. If the sending signal is interrupted,
synchronous system will automatically switch to the asynchronous mode, playing the recorded content, and loop playback, that ensures uninterrupted
playback display screen. 5A-F LED receiver, welcomed by customers, is widely used to the stadium, оглашавање, exhibition, demonstration, bidding and
other occasions.

??Support two working modes, Synchronous and Asynchronous mode, which can be freely switched. Ensure displays never break down.
??Contains 2Gbit onboard memory in each card to store offline content.
??Particularly suitable for stadium, оглашавање, exhibition, demonstration, bidding and other occasions.
??Superior display quality: high refresh rate, high color depth, and high brightness with the conventional chips.
??Supports all types of display module of the mainstream products (5A means any row, било коју колону, any scan, any chips, and any shape).
??The use of more advanced algorithms, so that the receiving card to maximize the use of resources in order to improve display quality.
??Supports for high-precision pixel-by- pixel calibration in the Brightness and the chromaticity.
??Support for large area display.
??Professional design and strict testing to ensure high quality and reliable.
??Supports all conventional sending card of ColorLight, such as T7 sending card, Q7 HD LED sender card, Gigabit NIC, DMB, итд.

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