
Colorlight 3D LED Display controller 3D Sender for Advertising Walls

Оригинална цена је била: $3,000.00.Тренутна цена је: $2,985.00.


Purchase Colorlight led controller systems for your stage rental and advertising video walls at best prices.

3D sender is specially designed for ordinary LED display to achieves 3D effect. With the transmitter, and shutter type 3D glasses together, 3D Sender can make the ordinary LED display play as a 3D display, and it can be easily switched between 2D and 3D mode.

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Colorlight 3D LED Display controller 3D Sender Overview

3D sender is specially designed for ordinary LED display to achieves 3D effect. With the transmitter, and shutter type 3D glasses together, 3D Sender can make
the ordinary LED display play as a 3D display, and it can be easily switched between 2D and 3D mode.
It has the strongest receiving capability of 4K, can receive signal with 4096*2160 pixels in maximum. Има 4 gigabit Ethernet outputs to support supper large screen.
Its LCD can show the real-time information about screen status and the control panel supports quick setting of LED display without need of computer.


Colorlight 3D LED Display controller 3D Sender Features.
Support 3D display
Input resolution: The maximum resolution is 4096*2160 пиксела,
Максимална носивост:2621440pixels @4096*2160 pixels (2D Mode);
1310720pixels @2048*2160 pixels (3D Mode);
Quick setting of screen without computer by use of control panel
LCD shows real-time information of screen status
Support one key to lock and one key to black screen
Support HDMI and DVI signal input
One key switching from DVI to HDMI
Support external audio input
Support high level video input: 12bit/10bit/8bit
4 gigabit Ethernet outputs support screen arbitrary splicing
Dual USB2.0 for high speed configuration and easy cascading
Support systematic time encryption
Internal testing program, support offline testing
Brightness adjustment in 256 levels by knobs
Preset startup picture of display
Compatible with all receiver series, like 5A, i5A
Video source interfaces
Interface type DVI*1HDMI*1
Input resolution 4096*2160pixels in maximum
Auto-adjust resolution Подршка
Video source frame rate 60Хз,support auto-adjustment
Input color 12/10/8мало
Net port number 4 gigabit net ports
Control area by port 2D mode: 2621440 , each port: 655430пиксела;
3D mode 27680 , each port: 1310720пиксела;
Удаљеност преноса CAT5E40MCAT6 70MNO limitation on optical fiber
Cascading Support arbitrary cascading between net ports
Transmission mode Frame mode, CRC check in addition
Connected equipment
Receiver card 5A series, i5A series, customization cards, итд.
Peripherals Multifunction card, optical fiber transceiver, gigabit switcher
Величина 1U standard box
Улазни напон АЦ 100~240В
Називна снага 10В
Тежина 2кг
External interfaces
ЛЦД Show real-time information of screen, help to make quick setting
of screen
Control panel Rich bottom for quick setting the screen
Configuration interface УСБ 2.0*2
DVI information Present info about frame rate, blanking value, сат, judge status
between video card and video processor;
Контрола осветљења Adjustment in 100 нивоа, automatically save in sending card.
Real-time configuration Gamma, control area, parameters setting
Smart detection system Support temperature, влажност , итд.
Real-time clock Internal real-time clock, backup battery, total running time can be
calculated, preset working status in order


Colorlight 3D LED Display controller 3D Sender for Advertising Walls

Colorlight 3D LED Display controller 3D Sender for Advertising Walls

НЕ. Интерфејс функције Noted
1 Прекидач power on /off
2 number keypad 0-9, for the numerical input




To show information, such as logo,

running state, итд.




Function keys

Extended function, such as Menu

‘black’‘Fn function combination





Spin bottom

Used for brightness adjustment

and assisted selection





AC power supply interface


7 3D sync interface Connect to 3D emitter



Audio input

transmit the audio signal to the

multifunction card

9 DVI input DVI signal input
10 ХДМИ улаз HDMI signal input



УСБ 2.0

For iQ7E and PC communication or

iQ7E cascade




Output port

RJ45,4 outputs, connect to receiver


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