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Six Misunderstandings in LED Screen Procurement

This article summarizes six common misconceptions in LED screen procurement for your reference and reference.

led screen factory (2)

The six common misconceptions in LED screen procurement,
1、 100000 hours of lifespan: The technical information provided by the LED display manufacturer indicates that the lifespan of the LED emitter is 100000 hours under ideal conditions. Ideal conditions refer to the time it takes for the LED emitter to emit light completely in a constant voltage and current state in the laboratory, which is equivalent to 11 vjet. The amount of water a barrel can hold is determined by the lowest wooden board, and LED screens currently use civilian grade devices with a service life of no more than 8 vjet. As a display screen, its function is to view. When the display screen is on and can only be seen clearly at night, it cannot indicate that it is qualified and has practical value. A car can be driven for 15 vjet, but if it is idle for 3 vjet, it will be scrapped. The environment and methods used have a significant impact on the lifespan of the product.
2、 Adhere to national standards: The general specifications for the LED display screen industry are the ministerial standards issued in 1995. Many companies still claim to meet national standards, but after 8 years of technological development, looking at the standards at that time is no longer a standard. Për shembull, at the point of loss of control, the national standard is 0.3%, with φ Taking 3.75 indoor dual color display screen as an example. A typical display screen with a standard resolution of 640×480 është 7 square meters, me 43264 points per square meter. According to the national standard, there can be 90 out of control points. Who pays for such a display screen today.
3、 Software is completely free: There is a common problem in the LED screen industry among Chinese enterprisesonly producing without research and development. Aktualisht, only a few companies have genuine software. It is illegal to use piracy now.
4、 Low price: It depends on the performance price ratio rather than just the price.
5、 Grayscale level: used as the grayscale for dual primary and full-color LED displays
It is an important indicator. Aktualisht, the LED display screen market is filled with many 16 level and 64 level grayscale displays impersonating 256 level grayscale. Its control cost is only 1/5 of the 256 level grayscale control. The simplest method is to play a VCD of a more intense sports scene to see if it can be seen clearly on the LED screen.
6、 If you want to buy, you need the best:

All purchasing power comes from needs, meeting needs and having a certain degree of foresight. Blind pursuit will waste a lot of money
Purchased unnecessary features.

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