
LINSN VP1800 LED Wall Video Processor Unit

Çmimi fillestar ishte: $268.08.Çmimi aktual është: $256.25.


Zbuloni sistemet e kontrolluesit led Linsn për video muret tuaja të brendshme dhe të jashtme me çmimet më të mira.

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  • 30 ditë kthime të lehta
  • Porosit tuajin para orës 14:30 për dërgim në të njëjtën ditë
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LINSN VP1800 LED Wall Video Processor Unit Description.

LINSN VP1800 supports various LED screens in the market, using mature solution, high end video ICs, and 12bit color processing to show colorful and clear image. Using world’s leading image process technology, Faroudja??(DCDi to eliminate jagged edges; TNR-reducing noise technology).

One processor supports 1.3 milion piksele; supports customizing resolution, fade-in/out, picture-in-picture (position and size can be set as your requirements) and capturing parts of full-screen image function.

LINSN VP1800 LED Wall Video Processor Unit Functions and features

1) VP1800 has various interfaces: 2 AV ports VGA port HDMI port DVI port;

2) VP1800 is a two-in-one video processor with friendly operating interface and provides high quality image;

3) Mbështet PIP, fade in/out function and can be viewed by LCD monitor;

4) Supports 10bit/8bit video input;

5) Supports 16bit greyscale display;

6) Mbështet personalizimin e rezolucionit, si 3840(gjerësia maksimale) x 340, 512 x 1920 (lartësia maksimale), 1280×1024, dhe 1440×900.

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