
Xixun Sysolution E36 4G/5G Wi-Fi Internet LED Screen Controller Card System

Prvotna cena je bila: $340.20.Trenutna cena je: $337.50.


Xixun Sysolution E36 4G/3G Wi-Fi Internet LED Screen Controller Features: On board Wi-Fi, 4G, GPS, support AP function; Support sending programs via iPhone, iPad, Android cellphone in local network; Support AIPS cloud platform; Support SDK; Support upload programs by USB; Support high communication speed to 100MKbps; Highly sensitive GPS; Highly quakeproof.

Pošiljanje po vsem svetu za vsa naročila.

  • 30 dni lahkih vračil
  • Naročite svojega pred 14.30 za odpremo še isti dan
Zagotovljena varna blagajna

Xixun Sysolution E36 4G/5G Wi-Fi Internet LED Screen Controller Card System Features:
On board Wi-Fi, 4G, GPS, support AP function;
Support sending programs via iPhone, iPad, Android cellphone in local network;
Support AIPS cloud platform;
Support SDK;
Support upload programs by USB;
Support high communication speed to 100MKbps;
Highly sensitive GPS;
Highly quakeproof.

Xixun Sysolution E36 4G/3G Wi-Fi Internet LED Screen Controller Parameter:

Vrsta Car sign controller
Način E36
Resolucija 256*256 for single card, No receiving card, maksimum 96000 pixels totally
4G/3G Podpora
WiFi Podpora
HUB 12 HUB75 port on board
Display type Polna barva
On board flash 8GB
Gray level 65536
LED modul Any scan mode within 32 skeniranje
Komunikacija 4G/Wi-Fi/USB
Audio Podpora
GPS Support and also support fixed point
Camera Podpora
Weather Podpora
Display content read back Podpora
Timing Podpora
Animation format gif,swf
Format slike bmp,jpg,gif,wmf,ico
Besedilo txt,rtf
Text type Single/ multi-line text, statično besedilo
Ura Digital/simulation clock
Timer Timing and count down
Programska oprema Cloud software AIPS

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