
XIXUN R20 Brightness Sensor Temperature Humidity Sensor for Led Walls

Prvotna cena je bila: $68.82.Trenutna cena je: $66.15.


Odkrijte dodatke za LED zaslone za notranje prostore na prostem iz kitajske tovarne.

XIXUN R20 Brightness Sensor Temperature&Humidity Sensor.

Pošiljanje po vsem svetu za vsa naročila.

  • 30 dni lahkih vračil
  • Naročite svojega pred 14.30 za odpremo še isti dan
Zagotovljena varna blagajna

The brightness sensor is for the function automatic brightness adjustment of LED display. With the brightness sensor,
the LED display can adjust its brightness according to the environment brightness.
Temperature and humidity sensor is detect the spot temperature and humidity of the LED display.
The remote control is for selecting the programs people would like to show.

XIXUN R20 Brightness Sensor Temperature&Humidity Sensor Parameters:

Measuring humidity accuracy: +/-4.5 (%RH).
Measuring humidity range: 0-100 (%RH).

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