
Novastar VX6S VX4S-N VX4U Video Processor LED Screen Controller

Prvotna cena je bila: $1,180.00.Trenutna cena je: $1,160.00.


Kupite LED krmilne sisteme Novastar za video stene za najem odra po najboljših cenah.

Podpira do 7 input interfaces, including 2 channels of 3G-SDI, 2 channels of HDMI1.3, 2 channels of DVI, 1 channel of USB.

Pošiljanje po vsem svetu za vsa naročila.

  • 30 dni lahkih vračil
  • Naročite svoje pred 14.30 za odpremo še isti dan
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Novastar VX6S VX4S-N VX4U Video Processor LED Screen Controller Features:

Podpira do 7 input interfaces, including 2 channels of 3G-SDI, 2 channels of HDMI1.3, 2 channels of DVI, 1 channel of USB

Podpora 3 windows and 1 channel OSD.

Supports quick and advanced screen functions.

In the switcher mode, the Take button is supported on the screen.

PGM preview is supported in switcher mode.

Support input resolution custom adjustment and input source backup settings.

Supports brightness adjustment of the screen.

Support multiple devices to be spliced and loaded.

Support full-screen automatic zooming of the screen.

The maximum width of the video output is 4096 slikovnih pik.

Supports the creation of 16 user scenarios as templates to save and call directly for easy use.

Supports selection of HDMI input source or DVI input source as synchronization signal to achieve field level synchronization of output.

Intuitive OLED display interface on the front panel, clear button light prompts, poenostavitev operacij nadzora sistema

Novastar VX6S 2 v 1 Video LED Screen Controller Parameter:

Vrsta vmesnika Količina Opis
3G-SDI 2 Maximum support 19resolution video source input, backward compatible
USB 2 U disk video picture file playback.
Connect the mouse.
U-AUDIO 2 Output audio interface
DVI 2 The VESA standard supports up to 1920× input video source input, which is backward compatible. Podpira HDCP
HDMI 2 Maximum support 1920×resolution video source input, backward compatible. Podpira HDCP.
Ethernet vrata 6 6-channel network port output interface
DVI 1 Pre-monitoring interface, can be set to PGM preview.
The U disk can be connected to the display for human-computer interaction display.
Nadzorni vmesnik
Ethernet 1 Connect to PC communication or access the network
USB Type-B Connect to a PC and control it via a PC.
USB cascading input
USB Type-A Used for device cascade output
Napajalni vmesnik AC100V~240V 50/60Hz
Delovna temperatura -20℃~60
Dimenzija 1U standard chassis


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