
Novastar Taurus T8 LED Multi-media Player Synchronous TB80 LED Controller Card

Prvotna cena je bila: $415.00.Trenutna cena je: $410.00.


T8 of series products are the second generation of multimedia players dedicated to small and media size LED full color display developed by NovaStar.Loading capacity up to 2,300,000 slikovnih pik. Synchronization mechanism for multi-screen playing Powerful processing capability Omnidirectional control plan Synchronous and asynchronous dual-mode Dual Wi-Fi mode 4G module.

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Novastar Taurus T8 LED Multi-media Player Synchronous LED Controller Card.

Synchronous Display.

The T8 support switching on/off function of synchronous & aynchronous display.

When synchronous display is enabled, the same content can be played on different displays synchronously if the time of different T8 units are synchronous with one another and the same program is being played.


Novastar Taurus T8 LED Multi-media Player Synchronous TB80 LED Controller Card Powerful Processing Capability

The T8 features powerful hardware processing capability:

1.5 GHz osemjedrni procesor.

Podpora za strojno dekodiranje videoposnetkov visoke ločljivosti H.265 4K.

Support for 1080P video hardware decoding.

2 GB operativnega pomnilnika in 8 GB notranjega prostora za shranjevanje.

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