
NovaStar MCTRL660 LED Video Controller LED Display Independent Master Sender Box

Prvotna cena je bila: $505.00.Trenutna cena je: $500.00.


Kupite LED krmilne sisteme Novastar za video stene za najem odra po najboljših cenah.

Innovative smart configuration; odpravljanje napak na zaslonu se lahko zaključi v roku 30 sekund; AdoptsNovastar G4 engine; flicker free and no scanning lines; exquisite images displaying quality; Point-by-point correction technology;

Pošiljanje po vsem svetu za vsa naročila.

  • 30 dni lahkih vračil
  • Naročite svoje pred 14.30 za odpremo še isti dan
Zagotovljena varna blagajna

NovaStar MCTRL660 LED Video Controller LED Display Independent Master Sender Box Functions & Lastnosti :

MCTRL660 is the latest independent master control made by NOVASTAR. It supports screen configuration at any time without a computer.
It has the following characteristics:
1) Sprejema inovativno arhitekturo za implementacijo pametne konfiguracije; odpravljanje napak na zaslonu se lahko zaključi v roku 30 sekund;
2) Sprejema motor Nova G4; zaslon je stabilen in brez utripanja brez skeniranja vrstic; the images are exquisite and have
a good sense of depth;
3) Podpira novo generacijo tehnologije popravkov od točke do točke Nova; korekcija je hitra in učinkovita;
4) Can implement white balance calibration and color gamut mapping based on different features of LEDs used by screens
to ensure reproduction of true colors.
5) Is the only control system supporting the input of 12-bit high-definition multimedia interface (HDMI) and high-bandwidth digital
content protection (HDCP) in China;
6) Supports screen configuration at any time without a computer;
7) Supports manual adjustment of the screen brightness, which is convenient and efficient;
8) HDMI/DVI vhod;
9) HDMI/zunanji avdio vhod;
10) 12bit/10bit/8bit HD video vir;
11) Podprta ločljivost:2048×1152??920×1200??560×960;
12) Podprta ločljivost:1440×900; (12bit/10 bit)
13) 1 vmesnik senzorja svetlobe;
14) Kaskadno podprto;
15) 18bitna obdelava sivine in predstavitev;
16) Video format:RGB,YCrCb4:2:2,YCrCb4:4:4 .

More Pictures of NovaStar MCTRL660 LED Video Controller LED Display Independent Master Sender Box:

MCTRL660 NOVASTAR LED Display Independent Master Sender Box

MCTRL660 NOVASTAR LED Display Independent Master Sender Box

MCTRL660 NOVASTAR LED Display Independent Master Sender Box

MCTRL660 NOVASTAR LED Display Independent Master Sender Box

MCTRL660 NOVASTAR LED Display Independent Master Sender Box

MCTRL660 NOVASTAR LED Display Independent Master Sender Box


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