
VDWALL SC-4 Sending Card Box for Small Size LED Video Wall

मौलिक मूल्य थियो: $90.00.हालको मूल्य छ: $86.00.


Purchase Vdwall led controller systems for your stage rental video walls at best prices.

VDWALL SC-4 Sending card box, you can install 4 pcs of LINSN, नोभास्टार, Colorlight and the like LED sending cards inside it.

सबै अर्डरहरूमा विश्वव्यापी ढुवानी.

  • 30 दिन सजिलो फिर्ता
  • त्यही दिनको डिस्पैचको लागि दिउँसो २.३० बजे अघि आफ्नो अर्डर गर्नुहोस्
ग्यारेन्टी सुरक्षित चेकआउट

VDWALL SC-4 Sending Card Box Features:

1. standard 19 inch case design, can be installed in the cabinet directly.
2. Drawer design: 4 sending cards can be installed without openning the case.
3. Uniform power supply: convenient for sending card’s installation and management and it also offers
backup in application.
4. Compatible with most sending cards available on the market; mainly used for mosaic of ultra-large
एल। इ। डी डिस्प्ले.


VDWALL SC-4 Sending Card Box Parameters:

nput Voltage 100-240VAC 50 / 60HZ
Overall Consumption 25डब्लु
तापक्रम 0-45
आर्द्रता 15-85%
Product Size 482.6mm(Length)x200mm(Width)x66.7mm(Height>
शुद्ध वजन 2.8के। जि

थप जानकारी

वजन(के। जि)





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