
Novastar CVT10-S Optical Fiber Converter LED Screen

मौलिक मूल्य थियो: $850.00.हालको मूल्य छ: $840.00.


The Novastar CVT10-S fiber converter offers a cost-effective way to convert optical signals to electrical signals, or electrical signals to optical signals, for connecting the sending card to the LED display.

सबै अर्डरहरूमा विश्वव्यापी ढुवानी.

  • 30 दिन सजिलो फिर्ता
  • त्यही दिनको डिस्पैचको लागि दिउँसो २.३० बजे अघि आफ्नो अर्डर गर्नुहोस्
ग्यारेन्टी सुरक्षित चेकआउट

Novastar CVT10-S Optical Fiber Converter LED Screen Features.

·Models include the CVT10-S (एकल मोड) and the CVT10-M (बहु-मोड).

·2x optical ports with hot-swappable optical modules installed at the factory, bandwidth of each up to 10 Gbit/s

·10x Gigabit Ethernet ports, bandwidth of each up to 1 Gbit/s

Fiber in and Ethernet out

If the input device has 8 वा 16 इथरनेट पोर्टहरू, the first 8 Ethernet ports of the CVT10 are available.

If the input device has 10 वा 20 इथरनेट पोर्टहरू, all the 10 Ethernet ports of the CVT10 are available.

If Ethernet ports 9 र 10 are found unavailable, they will be available after upgrading in the future.

Ethernet in and fiber out

All the 10 Ethernet ports of the CVT10 are available.

·2 types of power connectors, including a 3-pin power socket and a PowerCON socket

·1x type-B USB control port

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