
Novastar A10S Plus LED receiving card high-end large LED panel

मौलिक मूल्य थियो: $75.00.हालको मूल्य छ: $72.00.


उत्तम मूल्यहरूमा तपाईंको स्टेज भाडा भिडियो भित्ताहरूको लागि नोवास्टार नेतृत्व नियन्त्रक प्रणालीहरू खरिद गर्नुहोस्.

Novastar A10S Plus High-end Large LED Panel Receiving Card is a high-end receiving card developed by NovaStar. It has a small size and features a large loading capacity, with a single card loading up to 512×512 pixels.

सबै अर्डरहरूमा विश्वव्यापी ढुवानी.

  • 30 दिन सजिलो फिर्ता
  • त्यही दिनको डिस्पैचको लागि दिउँसो २.३० बजे अघि आफ्नो अर्डर गर्नुहोस्
ग्यारेन्टी सुरक्षित चेकआउट

Novastar A10S Plus LED Receiving Card High-end Large LED Panel is a high-end receiving card developed by NovaStar. It has a small size and features a large loading capacity, with a single card loading up to 512×512 pixels. It can support up to 32 groups of parallel data or 64 क्रमिक डेटा को समूह.

Novastar A10S Plus High-end Large LED Panel Receiving Card Features:

Advanced Hardware Design:
  • The small hardware footprint saves cabinet space and is suitable to a variety of applications.
  • Uses dust-resistant high-density connector to limit effects of dust and vibration, उच्च स्थिरता र विश्वसनीयता को परिणामस्वरूप.
  • Integrated network transformer features simple design and improved electromagnetic compatibility.
Useful Software Design:
  • सम्म समर्थन गर्दछ 1/64 स्क्यान गर्नुहोस्.
  • Supports the following functions when working with NovaLCT (V5.2.0 and later)
    • Supports random order scanning of module.
    • Lights the modules with data row extracting and channel extracting.
    • Supports precise grayscale correction.
    • Supports individual Gamma adjustment for RGB.
    • Supports bit error detection.
  • Supports HDR function.
  • Supports low latency function.
  • Supports 18Bit+ to display image with high brightness or low grayscale.
  • Supports ClearView high image quality display.
  • Supports LVDS transmission (supported by dedicated firmware program).
  • Supports smart module (supported by dedicated firmware program).
  • Supports quick seam correction.
  • 3D प्रकार्य समर्थन गर्दछ
  • Supports auto module calibration.
  • Supports Mapping function.
  • Supports setting of pre-stored image on receiving card.
  • Supports module Flash management.
  • Supports voltage and temperature monitoring of card without use of peripherals.
  • Supports cabinet LCD.
  • Supports image rotation in 90° increments.
  • Supports display rotation at any angle.

Novastar A10S Plus High-end Large LED Panel Receiving Card Parameter:

Maximum Loading Capacity 512×512 pixels
इनपुट भोल्टेज DC 3.3 V-5.5 V
मूल्याङ्कन गरिएको वर्तमान 0.5 ए
विद्युतीय मापदण्डहरू मूल्याङ्कन गरिएको पावर खपत 2.5 डब्लु
परिचालन वातावरण तापक्रम -20°C-90°C
आर्द्रता 10% RH-90% RH, गैर संकुचन
Storage Environment तापक्रम -25°C-25°C
आर्द्रता 10% RH-90% RH, गैर संकुचन
प्याकिङ जानकारी Packing specifications An antistatic bag and anti-collision foam are provided for each receiving card. Each packing box contains 40 कार्डहरू प्राप्त गर्दै.
Packing box dimensions 378.0 मिमी × 190.0 मिमी × 120.0 mm
आयामहरू 80.0 मिमी × 45.0 mm ×7.3 mm
शुद्ध वजन 22.3 g
प्रमाणपत्रहरू RoHS, EMC कक्षा बी

More Pictures of Novastar A10S Plus Card High-end Large LED Panel:

Novastar A10S Plus High-end Large LED Panel Receiving Card

Novastar A10S Plus High-end Large LED Panel Receiving Card

Novastar A10S Plus High-end Large LED Panel Receiving Card

Novastar A10S Plus High-end Large LED Panel Receiving Card

थप जानकारी

वजन(के। जि)





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