
VDWALL LVP609 4K LED Panel Video Processor for Led Displays

Prezz oriġinali kien: $2,369.25.Prezz kurrenti huwa: $2,295.00.


VDWALL LVP609 Series (LVP6092 LVP6093 LVP6094) 4K 60Hz LED Video processor widely applys small oixel pithc and ultra HD LED screen,video conference,TV studio,rental,staging,exhibition and etc.

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VDWALL LVP609 4K LED Panel Video Processor.

Full Color LED display Controller, LED display Media Processor.

The best price is for LVP6092. Għandu 4 outputs with 800M pixels; LVP6093 has 6 outputs with 1200M pixels. LVP6094 has 8 outputs with 1650M pixels.

1. Faroudja® Real Color® Real Color Image Processing 0+ Bit Faroudja® DCDIDe-interlacing ProcessingFaroudja® TureLife™Augmented Video and Image.

2. Advanced interlacing Processing Technology for mobile imagessmear ghost and jag in the mobile images can be removed.

3. Fast processing for ultra 4K2K@60Hz HD images via hardware.

4. Real Pole-definition video processor. Single HDMI port can receive 4k2k@60Hz pole-definition signal. After sync processed in processor , It would output 4*1920x1080_60Hz windows showed on the 4K2K_60Hz screen pixel to pixel. Or any interception, stepless zoom in and zoom out for any LED screens with any resolution. There is no need for complicated software setup.

5. It supports fully spare, and it offers a safe and steady solution for high-reliability-backup.

6. Outputs:Ultra HD+HD+SDAnalog+Digitalamong which:HDMI2.0??K2K@60Hz)x 2,DP x 1,CVBS x 1, VGA x 1, DVI x 1, SDI / HD-SDI x 1,Qlib bla xkiel, Fade-in / Fade-out between any inputs.

7. Outputs *DVI HD outputs. Each output port can reach 1920*1080_60Hz.

8. Sync monitoring 4K2K@60Hz windows on 1080p display.

9. One key to any of the preset modesand any mode of the seamless switching, Fade-in / Fade-out can be freely called.

10 It is easy and convenient to set up by the front panel or RS232/USB/LAN interface.

VDWALL LVP609 4K LED Panel Video Processor Inputs
Quantity /Type 2×Video



1×HDMI 2.0((VESA/CEA-861


Sistema tal-vidjo PAL/NTSC
Composite video amplitude Impedance 1V(p_p75Ω
Format VGA PC (VESA 1920×1200_60Hz
VGA amplitude Impedance R、G、B = 0.7 V(p_p75Ω
Format DVI PC (VESA 1920×1200_60Hz
HDMI Format(HDCP2.0 PC (VESA 3840×2160_60Hz
Format SDI SMPTE259M-C


SMPTE 274M/296M

SMPTE 424M/425M




Konnetturi tad-dħul Video: BNC/ 75Ω
VGA 5pin D_Sub(Mara)
Quantity /Type 8×DVI
Format DVI 1920×1080_60Hz
Konnetturi tal-ħruġ DVI 4+1 DVI_D
Kontroll RS232/USB/LAN
Vultaġġ tad-dħul 100-240VAC 50/60Hz
Konsum ġenerali tal-enerġija 20W
Environment temperature 0-45
Umdità ambjentali 15-85%
Product size 483(L) x 338(W) x94(H)mm
Carton size 540(L) x 400(W) x 180(H)mm
Piż nett 5.95Kg
Piż gross 8.8Kg

Informazzjoni addizzjonali


11 kg




LVP6092, LVP6093, LVP6094


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