
Sysolution S40 LED 2In1 Video Processor for Advertising Walls

Prezz oriġinali kien: $243.00.Prezz kurrenti huwa: $236.25.


Sysolution S40 is a pure hardware device developed for LED display, which is easy to operate and rich in functions.

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Sysolution S40 LED 2In1 Video Processor is a pure hardware device developed for LED display, which is easy to operate and rich in functions.

It supports high-definition muti-type interface input, integrates professional display control technology and powerful video processing capability, simplifies the construction of video processor in the field environment, and adopts high-performance image processing chip.

With advanced interlacing image adaptive processing technology and super clear noise reduction engine to eliminate the regular frequency image motion trailing a nd serrate phenomenon, video image enhancement technology to make more clear and exquisite, rich details, kulur sħiħ, image quality stability.

Sysolution S40 LED Display Screen 2 Fil 1 Video Processor Feature.

1. Integrated Sending CardIt has a 2-way gigabit network port output directly connected to the receiving card, simplify site environment construction.

2. Free PC DebuggingNo computer software is required for screen debugging. Now just a knob and a button, a simple operation can be completed display debugging, all the operation steps can be completed.

3. Seamless Switch: It is a seamless switch splicer, which can realize seamless switch of all
input channels

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