
Sysolution D90 LED screen reveiving card

Prezz oriġinali kien: $24.27.Prezz kurrenti huwa: $22.95.


Skopri l-aċċessorji ta 'ġewwa tal-wiri fuq barra mmexxija mill-fabbrika taċ-Ċina.

D90 product features: single block receiving card with pixel resolution.

Tbaħħir mad-dinja kollha fuq l-ordnijiet kollha.

  • 30 jiem prospetti faċli
  • Ordna tiegħek qabel is-2.30pm għad-dispaċċ fl-istess jum
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ysolution D90 LED Screen Reveiving Card Features:

  • Single block receiving card with pixel area??28×128
  • Working current:0.6A~1.0A
  • Working temperature10– 65
  • Extreme operating temperature:-20– 75

Sysolution D90 LED Screen Universal Reveiver Card Parameter:

Tip Receiving card
Modalità D90
Modulu LED Kulur sħiħ
20 set of RGB output Appoġġ
Output gray scale level Sa 20 daqsxejn
Vultaġġ tad-dħul +3.8V~+6V
Pixels Maximum 96K pixels,each set data can load 8K pixels
High refresh frequency, luminożità għolja,high garyscale for general IC Appoġġ
Dual backup for the network calbe Appoġġ
Intelligent module, store debugged data and module parameters Appoġġ
Monitoring for the temperature, umdità, power supply voltage, fans of the screen box Appoġġ
Extract at any position, and shift the display position of date, make any of irregular screen display easy to realize Appoġġ
Variety of Driver ICs are supported, bħal: PWM IC, Point by point Detecting IC and Conventional IC Appoġġ
Any scan type of 1-1/32, u 595 or other serial decode scan Appoġġ
Confirms RoHs and CE-EMC standards


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