
RGBLink VSP9516S HDMI LED Video Processor For LED Screen

Prezz oriġinali kien: $2,835.00.Prezz kurrenti huwa: $2,700.00.


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Max2048×2560×816×60Hz input/output resolution User-defined resolution adjustment Picture in picture Audio and video sync.

Seamless switching between inputs DSK for subtitle overlay LED display connection from front panel directly.

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RGBLink VSP9516S HDMI LED Video Processor For LED Screen Features:

VSP 9516S is the first LED video processor developed by RGBlink which does support the LED screen connection function. It supports inputs including 3×CVBS, 1×S-Video, 1×YPbPr, 1×VGA, 1×DVI-I (compatible with HDMI), 1×Displayport, 1×3G-SDI, sa 9 channels inputs, and 2×DVI-I, 1×VGA, sa 3 simultaneous outputs. VSP 9516S is not only a video scaler for video and graphic processing or just provides power and makes room for the sending cards to install inside.

VSP 9516S embedded a special menu for local control LED screen by its each LED sending card in connected, operator will easily operate display connection, aġġustament tal-luminożità, Gamma correction by <DISPLAY CONNECTION> menu after decide the sending card model. VSP 9516S integrates Display Setting Remote Control Interface with the video processing remote control software also, operator will have more remote control options.

RGBLink VSP9516S LED Video Processor Parameters:

Input 3 x CVBS
1 x S-Video
1 x YPbPr (Standard or HD)
1 x VGA
1 x DVI (HDMI 1.3 )
1 x SDI (3G-SDI,S module)
1 x Displayport
1 x Balanced analog audio
Output 2 x DVI
1 x VGA (Via DVI2+VGA OUT port)
1 x Balanced analog audio
4 x LAN (Output of sending card)
Control Interface Local front panel operation
Remote RS232, USB, TCP/IP control
Net Size 480mmx331mmx89mm
Daqs tal-pakkett 585mmx405mmx195mm
Piż nett 5.2kg
Package weight 8.6kg
Work Temperature 0°C~40°C
Relative Humidity 10%~85%


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