
RGBLink VSP628Pro HD Video Scale Switch Zoom LED Video Processor

Prezz oriġinali kien: $2,841.00.Prezz kurrenti huwa: $2,800.00.


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RGBLink VSP628Pro HD Video Scale Switch Zoom LED Video Processor Features:

VSP 628PRO is an advanced high performance all-in-one video scaler, scan converter, switcher and transcoder converting any input signal format to any output signal format.

VSP 628PRO supports composite, component, VGA, DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort and SD/HD/3G-SDI signal formats. Loop-through outputs are provided for the DVI and SDI input and Genlock signals. With features like LOGO capture and standard test pattern built in, 3D processing, HDCP and EDID management, Web page control interface seamless switching between the inputs, VSP 628PRO is one of the most advanced and flexible signal processor in the industry.

VSP 628PRO is based on module based structure, its standard version comes with all the features you need and expect to find in old versions. In addition to the standard features, b'moduli differenti, tista 'tilħaq aktar possibbiltà u firxa ta' applikazzjoni.

RGBLink VSP628Pro HD LED Video Processor Video Scaler, Switcher, Zoom Parameters:

Input 1 x Genlock(bil-linja)
2 x SDI(kull wieħed bil-linja)
1 x DVI(bil-linja)
1 x HDMI(bil-linja)
1 x VGA
1 x Displayport
2xSDI(Each with loop)-SDI Option Module
Output 1 x DVI
1 x HDMI
1 x VGA
1 x CVBS-CVBS Option Module
2 x SDI-OS2 Option Module
1 x Fiber+SDI+HDBaseT , Fiber Option Module
Portijiet tal-Komunikazzjoni LAN TCP/IP
USB 2.0
Daqs nett 480mmx403mmx45mm
Daqs tal-pakkett 535mmx455mmx130mm
Piż nett 3.7kg
Piż tal-Pakkett 6.9kg
Temperatura tax-Xogħol 0°C ~ 45°C
Umdita relattiva 10%~85%


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