
RGBLink VSP3500 Large Video Wall Switcher LED Display Video Processor

Prezz oriġinali kien: $6,750.00.Prezz kurrenti huwa: $6,706.80.


Ixtri sistemi ta 'pannelli tal-wiri mmexxija mill-fornitur taċ-Ċina.

Super resolution 1024×816 mosaic for single device Automatic input format recognition Support pixel to pixel 5120×816/2048×2304 mapping Supported user-defined pixel scaling Support the loop output multiple cascade seamless splicing.

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RGBLink VSP3500 Large Video Wall Switcher LED Display Video Processor Features:

The VSP 3500 is a dedicated seamless Video Wall Processor and it does have some features not found on any other models that make setup easier. VSP 3500 offer the advantage that when basic video wall control is not required, it can be used for scaling applications, and can setup as rotary possibility. In addition to local control via the front panel, control can be from the Windows Control Panel or the optional remote control panel.

The VSP 3500 is ideal for a wide range of applications requiring up to 4096*2304 resolution for rotary of high resolution content with the highest quality. Because of the remote control panel support and unprecedentedly super video processing functions, VSP 3500 supports full flexibility for rental and staging, and presentation.

RGBLink VSP3500 Large Video Wall Switcher LED Display Video Processor Parameters:

Input 2 X DVI (HDMI 1.3 Compatible)
Output 2 X DVI Loop out
Control Interface Front panel
Net Size 480mmx301mmx89mm
Daqs tal-pakkett 585mmx405mmx195mm
Piż nett 4kg
Package weight 9kg
Provvista ta' enerġija 35W
Work Temperature 0°C~40°C
Relative Humidity 10%~85%


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