
RGBLink VSP168S LED Video Switch Scale and Zoom Video Processor

Prezz oriġinali kien: $1,071.90.Prezz kurrenti huwa: $1,059.75.


Skopri l-aċċessorji ta 'ġewwa tal-wiri fuq barra mmexxija mill-fabbrika taċ-Ċina.

Max 2048×1152/2560×816 input/output resolution Seamless switching between inputs Multiple cascade for sync mapping 3G/HD/SD SDI compatible input.

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RGBLink VSP168S LED Video Switch, Scale and Zoom Processor Features:

VSP 168S is a 4 inputs seamless switcher and scaler. VSP 168S supports all common video and graphic inputs, including CVBS, VGA, DVI, SDI (Għażla). VSP 168S meets high end presentation requirement as its qualified image quality and advanced video processing ability, take multiple cascade mapping for example. VSP 168S comes with a compact 1/2U frame and a LED sending card install room, so it is the most compact LED video processor which user can find only in the LED display application market. There are two kinds of rack mount structures available as option. One is 1 unit for two VSP 168S to be installed, and another is 2 unit size for up to 4 pieces VSP 168S. VSP 168S supports following main functions: max output resolution up to 2048×1152 or 2560×816, quick user config scale operation, seamless switching for the inputs, auto input detect, multiple cascade mapping.

VSP 168HD is a 4 inputs seamless switcher and scaler. VSP 168HD supports all common video and graphic inputs, including CVBS, VGA, DVI, SDI (Għażla). VSP 168HD meets high end presentation requirement as its qualified image quality and advanced video processing ability, take multiple cascade mapping for example. VSP 168HD supports following main functions: max output resolution up to 2048×1152 or 2560×816, quick user config scale operation, seamless switching for the inputs, auto input detect, multiple cascade mapping. Barra minn hekk, VSP 168HD use fiber and HDBaseT output interface, and connect to LED Display via extender, which is especially suitable for the applications that need high quality, long distance transmission and high resolution image. VSP 168HD supports RS232 control and USB port upgrade. And through embedded high quality image processing functions, and format conversion function, VSP 168HD provides the high stability of working hours.

RGBLink VSP168S LED Video Switch, Scale and Zoom Processor Parameters:

VSP 168S VSP 168HD
Input 1 x CVBS 1 x CVBS
1 x VGA (YPbPr compatible) 1 x VGA (YPbPr compatible)
1 x HDMI (DVI compatible) 1 x HDMI (DVI compatible )
1 x SDI (3G-SDI, S module) 1 x SDI (3G-SDI, S module)
Output 2 x DVI 2 x DVI
1 x VGA (Via DVI2+VGA OUT port) 1 x VGA (Via DVI2+VGA OUT port)
1 x SDI
1 x Fiber
1 x HDBaseT
Operations Local front panel operation
Remote RS232 control
Net Size 219mmx250mmx45mm
Daqs tal-pakkett 535mmx355mmx130mm(Two)
Piż nett 1.4kg
Package Weight 2.9kg
Work Temperature 0°C~40°C
Relative Humidity 10%~85%


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