
RGBLink VENUS X2 multiple HDMI output LED Video Processor

Prezz oriġinali kien: $8,100.00.Prezz kurrenti huwa: $8,083.80.

Skopri l-aċċessorji ta 'ġewwa tal-wiri fuq barra mmexxija mill-fabbrika taċ-Ċina.

Support power module pluggable technology and power 1+1 redundancy function Auto input formats detect and conversion Support EDID edit for inputs and read EDID for outputs.

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RGBLink VENUS X2 multiple HDMI output LED Video Processor Features:

1. VENUS X2 is a multiple outputs video processor, it offers nine card cages that accepts a wide variety of video signals, including VGA, CVBS and USB (for media files play). VENUS X2 combines truly seamless, fade in fade out, glitch-free switching with advanced scaling technologies to meet the requirements of high quality, high resolution video presentations.

2. VENUS X2 supports EDID editing for VGA, HDMI input ports and read EDID for output ports, the EDID can be modified by windows control program, users can edit the EDID of input port according to the resolution of outputs to achieve the optimal input resolution.

3. VENUS X2 also supports resolution real-time total adaptation, color uniformity compensation technology and 90°, 180°and 270°rotate. Barra minn hekk, it supports local front panel operation, remote widows based software control by Ethernet, and WIFI control. Barra minn hekk, VENUS X2 is based on replaceable input optional modules structure, with different modules, you can reach more possibility and application range.

RGBLink VENUS X2 multiple output LED Video Processor Parameters:

Input Modules Each VGA module supports 3 VGA inputs
Each CVBS module supports 4 CVBS inputs
Each USB module supports 4 USB inputs
Each S-HDMI module supports 4 HDMI inputs
Each SDI module supports 4 inputs SDI
Program Out Modules Each HDMI module supports 4 HDMI outputs
Control Interface Windows control program
Remote TCP/IP control
Provvista ta' enerġija 200W
Net Size 484mmx413mmx91mm
Daqs tal-pakkett 585mmx405mmx195mm
Piż nett 12kg
Package weight 16.5kg
Work Temperature 0°C~40°C
Relative Humidity 10%~85%


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