
NovaStar PCC80 Full Color Asynchronous LED Display Card

Prezz oriġinali kien: $250.00.Prezz kurrenti huwa: $245.00.


Ixtri sistemi ta 'kontrollur mmexxija minn Novastar għall-ħitan tal-vidjow tal-kiri tal-istadju tiegħek bl-aħjar prezzijiet.

Maximum Resolution: 640×128; Media Format: Video, stampa, test, temp, arloġġ, countdown, Kelma, Excel, Txt etc; Format tal-vidjo: MPEG4, H.264, MV, VC1, MPEG1; Gray scale Levels: 65536 massimu; PWM Levels For Brightness Adjustment: 256; LED Status Detection;

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NovaStar PCC80 Full Color Asynchronous LED Display Card.

Generator Introduction:

1) Maximum Resolution: 640×128;

2) Cascade Levels with Ethernet Cable:

Cascading no supported;

3) Drive IC supported: MBI5041/5042/5045, MY9262, MY9221, MBI505X, MBI515X,

MY9266/9268/9269, SUM2030, TLC59282/ 59283,

MY9868, SUM2016/ 2017, MBI5020/ 5024/ 5034/ 5035

and many more;

4) Media Format: Video, stampa, test, temp, arloġġ,

countdown, Kelma, Excel, Txt etc.

5) Format tal-vidjo: MPEG4, H.264, MV, VC1, MPEG1

6) LED Displays Supported: Full color LED display

from static to 1/32 scan, with real pixel.

7) Gray scale Levels: 65536 massimu, configurable

8) Rata ta' Aġġornar: 6000Hz maximum for static

Display LED, 3840Hz for scanning LED display

9) Integrated Power Switch Management: 1

10) PWM Levels For Brightness Adjustment: 256

11) Auto Brightness Adjustment: Appoġġjati

12) LED Status Detection: Open/ Short-Circuit checking (with MBI5034/ 5036/ 5039/ 5040,DM13H)

13) Brightness Loss for Calibration: 5%~8%

14) Integrated Audio Output: Appoġġjati

15) Temperatura tax-Xogħol: -20oC ~ 80oC

16) Power Supply Voltage: 4V ~ 5V

Our quality and reliable outdoor full color led display are considered best in the industry because it is one of the most important assets for every customer. If you also want to join the league of our proud customers then grab the chance and order NOVASTAR PCC80 Full Color Asynchronous LED Display Card because it comes with unique features like Cascade Levels with Ethernet Cable (Cascading not supported), Maximum Resolution up to 640×128; Media Format: Video, stampa, test, temp, arloġġ, countdown, Kelma, Excel, Txt etc., Format tal-vidjo: MPEG4, H.264, MV, VC1, MPEG1, Integrated Power Switch Management, Temperatura tax-Xogħol: -20oC ~ 80oC and many more. We leave no chance to dissatisfy your need.

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