
Novastar MRV366 LED Riċevitur Karta bil 16 HUB75 portijiet

Prezz oriġinali kien: $35.00.Prezz kurrenti huwa: $30.00.


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Novastar MRV366 LED Riċevitur Karta bil 16 HUB75 portijiet

The MRV366 is a new receiving card developed by NovaStar. A single MRV366 loads up to 512×256 pixels.

The MRV366 supports pixel level brightness and chroma calibration, which effectively removes color difference, greatly improves display consistency of LED images, and presents finer displays to users.

Software and hardware designs of the MRV366 have fully concerned users’ deployment, operating and maintenance scenarios, li jippermetti skjerament aktar faċli, tħaddim aktar stabbli u manutenzjoni aktar effiċjenti.

Disinn tal-ħardwer:

Integrates 16 standard HUB75 connectors, which makes the HUB board unnecessary.

Adopts the Gigabit Ethernet port, which can connect to the PC.

Disinn ta' softwer:

Supports pixel level brightness and chroma calibration.

Supports setting of images pre-stored in the receiving card.

Supports status detection of temperature, vultaġġ, Ethernet cable communication and video source signals.

Supports the 5-pin LCD module.

Novastar MRV366 LED Riċevitur Karta bil 16 HUB75 portijiet

Karatteristiċi Deskrizzjoni
Supporting pixel level brightness

and chroma calibration

Brightness and chroma calibration

on NovaLCT for each pixel could

remove color difference effectively,

make the brightness and chroma of

the whole screen highly consistent,

and improve the display effect.

Supporting setting of images

pre-stored in the receiving card

Fuq NovaLCT, the specified images

could be set as the screen startup

image and images used when the

Ethernet cable is disconnected or

no video source signal is available.

Supporting status detection of temperature, vultaġġ, Ethernet

cable communication and video

source signals

Fuq NovaLCT, the status of receiving

card’s temperature, vultaġġ, Ethernet

cable communication and video

source signals can be detected.

Supporting LCD module Supports NovaStar’s general 5-pin

Modulu LCD. The LCD module is

connected to the HUB board to

display temperature, vultaġġ, waħdieni

operating time and total operating

time of the receiving card.

Supporting readback of configuration file Fuq NovaLCT (V5.0.0 or later), il

configuration information stored in

the receiving card can be read back.

Supporting readback of firmware version Fuq NovaLCT (V5.0.0 or later), il

firmware versions of the receiving

card can be read back.


The MRV366 is applied to the LED display synchronous system which is generally composed of the LED display, karta li tirċievi, LED display controller and controller peripherals. The receiving card is connected to the LED display over HUB connectors.

The synchronous system requires connecting a computer to display the computer’s images and texts on the LED display. The synchronous system’s structure is shown in the following figure.


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