Magnimage LED-550DS LED Controller Video processor.
LED-550DS series is a high performance full color LED video processor which has 16 switching effectsincluding fade in/ fade out, cut, switch and so on.It can customize any DVI input resolution improve the systemstability, customized output resolution based on real specification of LED screen to reach the effect of pixel topixel display. Intelligent seamless splicing technology of super size LED screen with multi-sending card imagesplicing.The unique synchronous follow,up technology ensure the image is fluent and no dislocation and trailingwhen it’s high speed action.
Magnimage LED-550DS LED Controller Video processor Technical Specification
Portijiet | Nru. | Speċifikazzjoni tar-Riżoluzzjoni |
VGA | 2 | VESA |
DVI | 2 | VESA(1080i) |
HDMI | 1 | HDMI 1.3 |
SDI* | 1 | 3G SDI |
Portijiet | Nru. | Speċifikazzjoni tar-Riżoluzzjoni |
Loop DVI | 1 | L-istess bħall-input DVI |
Loop SDI* | 1 | 3G SDI |
VGA | 1 | 1024×768/60Hz/75Hz/85Hz/100Hz/120Hz
1280×1024/60Hz 1440×900/60Hz 1680×1050/60Hz 1600×1200/60Hz 1600×1200/60Hz-Mnaqqsa 1920×1080/60Hz/50Hz 2560×816/60Hz 1920×1200/60Hz 2048×640/60Hz 2560×816/60Hz 2304×1152/60Hz 2048×1152/60Hz 1024×1280/60Hz 1536×1536/60Hz Riżoluzzjoni tal-output personalizzata: Riżoluzzjoni massima orizzontali 3840pixel ; Min 640 Riżoluzzjoni Vertikali: Max 1920; Min 480 |
DVI | 2 |
* Fakultattiv
Speċifikazzjoni Cosole
Provvista ta' enerġija | 100~240 AC 50/60Hz |
Konsum tal-enerġija | 25W |
Temperatura tat-tħaddim | 0~45/td> |
Dimensjoni tal-prodott(LWH) | 483.0× 288.0 × 54.5mm |
Dimensjoni tal-ippakkjar(LWH) | 555.0×395.0×125.0mm |
N.W. | 2.6kg |
G.W. | 4.1kg |
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