
LINSN VP2800 Video Processor For Led Video Wall

Prezz oriġinali kien: $486.39.Prezz kurrenti huwa: $472.50.


Skopri sistemi ta 'kontrollur LED Linsn għall-ħitan tal-vidjow ta' ġewwa u ta 'barra tiegħek bl-aħjar prezzijiet.

LINSN VP2800 supports the LED display on the market. It adopts mature video control scheme and high-end video chip. It supports 12-bit color processing internally, and the image color is richer and clearer!

VP2800 is out of production. We recommend its alternative model: LINSN X2000

Tbaħħir mad-dinja kollha fuq l-ordnijiet kollha.

  • 30 jiem prospetti faċli
  • Ordna tiegħek qabel is-2.30pm għad-dispaċċ fl-istess jum
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LINSN VP2800 supports the LED display on the market. It adopts mature video control scheme and high-end video chip. It supports 12-bit color processing internally, and the image color is richer and clearer!
Using the world’s leading Faroudia image processing technology, DCDI de-interlaced anti-aliasing, TNR-noise reduction and other technologies.
The maximum load of a single processor is 2.62 miljun pixel, which supports custom resolution output; the fade-in and fade-out switching effect; the picture-in-picture can be displayed at any position at any position; the partial full-screen image can be arbitrarily intercepted.
1. VP2800 has a rich video signal input interface, 2 channels AV, 1 mod
VGA, 1 way HDMI, 1 way DVI;
2. VP2800 is a new 2-in-1 video processor for Lingxing Rain;
Excellent picture quality display, easy to understand interface;
3. Provide PIP, fade in and out, and display it visually through the LCD.
4. Support 10bit/8bit high-order video input;
5. Support 16bit grayscale display;
6. Support custom resolution, the widest 3840×340, the highest 512×1920;
1280×1024, 1440×900, eċċ.

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