Bord ta' Sostituzzjoni LED Bord ta' Sostituzzjoni tal-Futbol LED Display li jinġarr 8″ 10″ 12″


8-in LED Portable Football Electronic Soccer Change Player Display Board 1 Side Referee Substitution Boards Equipment. Good Quality Portable LED Display Soccer Substitution Board.

Tbaħħir mad-dinja kollha fuq l-ordnijiet kollha.

  • 30 jiem prospetti faċli
  • Ordna tiegħek qabel is-2.30pm għad-dispaċċ fl-istess jum
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Portable LED Display Soccer Substitution Board 8″ 10″ 12″

Two Sided LED Soccer Substitution Board SPECIFICATIONS
High visibility ultra-bright LED digits suitable for outdoor use
LED digit colors red for exiting players and green for entering players
Height of digits 3.5cm
Readability distance 100m long, 150 degree wide

Sturdy numerical membrane keyboard for easy insertion of numbers
Lifespan for each key minimum of 2 million operations
Ability to pre-programme up to 6 substitutions for quick operation

Strong polycarbonate case with anti slip grip, built to EN60950-1 crash test regulations
Weatherproof case with a protection class of IP56
Product weight 2.75kg (6lbs)
Optional carry bag

Internal Li-lon rechargeable battery with 1.5 siegħa (260 displays of 20 sekondi) battery life
Display of battery level can be viewed via pressing a specific key
Automatic off function for battery saving
Battery charger provided with a choice of adapter: UK, UE, USA or AUS

Spaces reserved for sponsor stickers at bottom of subs board.
Single or double sided variations
Garanzija 2 snin
European CE ROHS EMC tested


Informazzjoni addizzjonali




Display HTL


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