
HUIDU HDP601 LED Display Board Video Processor

Prezz oriġinali kien: $151.20.Prezz kurrenti huwa: $148.50.


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HUIDU HDP601 LED Display Board Video Processor is a powerful single picture video processor, firxa ta 'kontroll 1920*1200, supports U-disk play, support audio input and output.

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HDP601 is a powerful single picture video processor Features:

1) Seamless switching of any channel, audio and video synchronous switching;
2) 5-channel digital-analog video input, USB supports video and picture mixed playback;
3) Key lock;
4) Large output resolution, 1920 × 1280 @ 60Hz;
5) Support one button black screen;
6) Scene preset save and call;
7) Signal hot backup.

HDP601 is a powerful single picture video processor, firxa ta 'kontroll 1920*1200, supports U-disk play, support audio input and output.

Riżoluzzjoni: 1920*1200 U-disk play: Appoġġ

Awdjo: Input HDMI, 3.5mm sereo interface output


HUIDU HDP601 LED Display Board Video Processor

HUIDU HDP601 LED Display Board Video Processor


HUIDU HDP601 LED Display Board Video Processor

HUIDU HDP601 LED Display Board Video Processor

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