
HUIDU HD-VP1220 LED Display All-in-one Video Processor

Prezz oriġinali kien: $1,510.65.Prezz kurrenti huwa: $1,485.00.


Ixtri sistemi ta 'kontrolluri mmexxija minn Huidu għall-ħitan tal-vidjow tal-kiri tal-istadju tiegħek bl-aħjar prezzijiet.

HUIDU HD-VP1220 LED Display All-in-one Video Processor Features: Integrated video processing, funzjoni tal-karta li tibgħat, 12 gigabit network port output, total pixels 7.8 miljun punt.

Tbaħħir mad-dinja kollha fuq l-ordnijiet kollha.

  • 30 jiem prospetti faċli
  • Ordna tiegħek qabel is-2.30pm għad-dispaċċ fl-istess jum
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HUIDU HD-VP1220 LED Display All-in-one Video Processor Features.

1)Integrated video processing, funzjoni tal-karta li tibgħat, 12 gigabit network port output, total pixels 7.8 million point.
2)The device can be debugged and controlled through panel buttons, USB, Wi-Fi (mobile APP, developing)


HUIDU HD-VP1220 LED Display All-in-one Video Processor Parameters

Funzjoni Parametri
DVI Input Interface form: DVI-I socket

Signal standard: DVI1.0

Riżoluzzjoni: Standard VESA, PC to 1920×1080, HD to 1080p

Input HDMI Interface form: HDMI-A

Signal standard: HDMI2.0 backward compatible

Riżoluzzjoni: Standard VESA

DP Input Interface form :DP

Signal standard:DP1.2backward compatible

Riżoluzzjoni: Standard VESA

VGA Input Interface form: DB15 socket

Signal standard: R, G, B, Hsync, vsync: 0 to 1Vpp ± 3dB (0.7V Video + 0.3v Sync )

75 ohm black level: 300mV Sync-tip: 0V

Riżoluzzjoni: Standard VESA,

EXTInput DVI or SDIDefault standard DVI
AWDJO IN Input x1.5mm audio port
Ħruġ tal-Awdjo Output x1.5mm audio port
Network port Output 12-way network port output interfaceconnected to the acceptance cardtotal pixels 7.8 miljun,Wiesgħa 16000 tikek, Highest 3840dots.
Square USB port (Type B) Connect to the PC, debug the parameters of the sending card and receiving card, and program upgrades through HDSet software.
Wi-Fi Support mobile phone APP for sending card, receiving card parameter debugging, program upgrade, etc.— developing
Power interface 100-240V~50/60Hz
Whole machine power <=75W
Piż <=3.6kg
Daqs??/qawwija>mm??/qawwija> Case size(Length??82mm*(width??02.8mm*(hight5.5mm
Machine case 1.5U standard industrial chassis

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