
HUIDU HD-R5S LED Receiving Card for LED Display Screen

Prezz oriġinali kien: $21.60.Prezz kurrenti huwa: $20.25.


HUIDU HD-R5S LED Receiving Card for LED Display Screen is a small-size receiving card for LED transparent screen and fine pixel pitch LED screen control launched by Huidu Technology. A single card supports control of 256*512 pixels, and it can be cascaded with any Huidu sending card.

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HUIDU HD-R5S LED Receiving Card for LED Display Screen is a small-size receiving card for LED transparent screen and fine pixel pitch LED screen control launched by Huidu Technology. A single card supports control of 256*512 pixels, and it can be cascaded with any Huidu sending card
HUIDU HD-R320 Full Color LED Display Receiving Card
R5S??*120PIN)Work with Huidu sending cards Ax,A60x, A30/A30+, Cx5, Cx0,A3, T901/T901B, VP210, VP410.
Firxa ta 'kontroll
R5S: Recommended 256 * 512, the indoor module with load length appropriately reduced.


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