Huidu HD-D35 Asynchronous LED Sign Controller Card.
Deskrizzjonijiet .
Lintel tal-bieb kulur sħiħ, saqaf tat-taxi, bus advertising screen dedicated controller.
Use ARM A9 CPU, dekodifikazzjoni tal-vidjo tal-ħardwer.
Control by PC or Mobile-phone or cloud platform.
4GB, store content more than 4 sigħat.
1.Support indoor & kulur sħiħ fil-beraħ & single/dual color module.
2.Control range Pixel: 1024W*64H 512W*128H (Appoġġ massimu 5 rows).
3.Appoġġ 256 Gray scale.
4..Appoġġ Video,Animazzjoni,Immaġni,Neon,Office file etc.
5.Appoġġ U-disk tespandi memorja, plug and play.
6.Ipplaggja u tilgħab mingħajr ebda settings tan-netwerk.
7.Support Internet /3G/4G Clouds management.
Type Indoor & kulur sħiħ fil-beraħ & single/dual color module.
Control range Pixel: 1024W*64H 512W*128H.
Skala Griża 256.
HUB Port 5x hub75E.
Animation format SWF,FLV,GIF
Image format BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, eċċ.
Text Text and Image being edited directly.
Time Classic Analog clock, digital clock and various of clock with image background
Other function Neon, animations function; Għadd lejn l-arloġġ/kontra l-arloġġ; tappoġġja t-temperatura u l-umdità; Funzjoni ta 'aġġustament tal-luminożità adattiva
memory capacity 256MB Flash, aktar minn 2 sigħat??program support. Indefinite expanding of U-disk memory.
Communication U-disk; Via NetworkRJ45 port connected LAN,Internet or 3G/4G to Internet.
Port 5V Power x1, 10/100M RJ45 x1, USB 2.0 x1, 1 of 50PIN HUB.
software HDPlayer.
Huidu HD-D35 Asynchronous LED Sign Controller Card.
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