
Huidu HD-C35 HD-C35C HD-C16C HD-C36C Asynchronous Full color LED Screen Display Control Card

Prezz oriġinali kien: $141.75.Prezz kurrenti huwa: $135.00.


Ixtri sistemi ta 'kontrolluri mmexxija minn Huidu għall-ħitan tal-vidjow tal-kiri tal-istadju tiegħek bl-aħjar prezzijiet.

Huidu C35 C35C has been no longer in production and we recommend the alternative model as following: Huidu C36 C36C.

Tbaħħir mad-dinja kollha fuq l-ordnijiet kollha.

  • 30 jiem prospetti faċli
  • Ordna tiegħek qabel is-2.30pm għad-dispaċċ fl-istess jum
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Huidu C35 C35C has been no longer in production and we recommend the alternative model as following: Huidu C36 C36C

Huidu HD-C35 HD-C35C Asynchronous Full color LED Screen Display Control Card Features:

Firxa ta 'Kontroll: 1024*512.

4Memorja GB, support expending memory by U-disk.

Support HD video hardware decoding, 60Ħruġ tar-rata tal-frejms Hz.

Support widest 1024 pixel, L-ogħla 1024.

No need set IP address, it could be identified by controller ID automatically.

Unified management of more LED display through Internet or LAN.

Support Wi-Fi connection, Mobile APP management.

Equipped 3.5mm standard audio interface output.

Support 3G/4G connect to Internet (Fakultattiv).

More Pictures of Huidu HD-C35 HD-C35C Asynchronous Full color LED Screen Display Control Card


Huidu HD-C35 Asynchronous Full color LED Screen Display Control Card

Huidu HD-C35 Asynchronous Full color LED Screen Display Control Card

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