
Colorlight X16 Pro Professional Large LED Screen Display Processor

Prezz oriġinali kien: $2,559.60.Prezz kurrenti huwa: $2,497.50.


Colorlight X16 Pro Professional Large LED Screen Display Processor is a professional grade LED display control device, with powerful video signal reception, splicing and processing capabilities, the maximum reception 4096 × 2160 pixels 4K digital signal; support for HDMI, DP, DVI, SDI and other digital interfaces, seamless switching between multiple signals; support for splicing, broadcast level scaling, maximum support for 7-screen display.

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Colorlight X16 Pro Professional Large LED Screen Display Processor Overivew:

Colorlight X16 Pro Professional Large LED Screen Display Processor is a professional grade LED display control device, with powerful video signal reception, splicing and processing capabilities, the maximum reception 4096 × 2160 pixels 4K digital signal; support for HDMI, DP, DVI, SDI and other digital interfaces, seamless switching between multiple signals; support for splicing, broadcast level scaling, maximum support for 7-screen display.
Bil 16 Outputs Gigabit Ethernet, the X16 PRO can support LED displays up to 8192 pixels wide and 4096 pixels high in a single unit. The X16 PRO also offers a wide range of features for flexible screen control and high quality image display, making it perfect for high-end rental displays and small pitch LED displays.


Colorlight X16 Pro Professional Large LED Screen Display Processor Features:

-Supports a wide range of digital signal interfaces, including HDMI 2.0, DP1.2, SDI, DVI.
-Maximum input resolution 4096×, supports arbitrary resolution settings.
-Sa 10.4 megapixels with a maximum bandwidth of 8192 pixels and up to 4096 pixels.
-Support arbitrary switching of video sources, according to the display resolution of the input image stitching, scaling.
Supports 7-screen display with free adjustment of position and size.
-Support for HDCP 2.2.
-Jappoġġja l-funzjonalità 3D (fakultattiv).
Dual USB 2.0 high-speed communication interfaces for computer debugging and arbitrary cascading between the main controller.
-RS232 serial port, used by computers to send serial commands.
-Jappoġġja l-aġġustament tat-temperatura tal-luminożità u tal-kulur.
-Supports low light and high grey.
-Support for handheld terminal control (app).
-Supports the full range of Carlite receiver cards, Kards b'ħafna funzjonijiet, and fiber optic transceivers.


Colorlight X16 Pro Professional Large LED Screen Display Processor Parameter:

Interface tal-Input
HDMI 2.0 1,with LOOP HDMI 2.0&DP 1.2Either one, not both at the same time
DP 1.2 1
HDMI 1.4 2
Output Interface
Port1-16 RJ45??6-channel Gigabit Ethernet output, 16 Ethernet ports can be arbitrarily spliced up and down, left and right.
Daqs 2Kaxxa standard U
Vultaġġ tad-dħul AC100~240V
Konsum ta 'Enerġija Rated 70W
Temperatura tax-Xogħol – 20℃ ~ 60

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