Armor4 mini receiving card is Nova’s high-end mini receiving card series with small size and full functions. Adotta interface DDR3 li jagħmilha faċli biex jitwaħħal diversi strutturi elettriċi.
Il-karta tal-bord integrat transformer tan-netwerk biex tissimplifika d-disinn għall-utenti. Kard tal-bord waħda tista 'taqdi kull tip ta' applikazzjonijiet.
Armor4 Mini Receiving Card Novastar LED Display Control Card Features:
1) Jappoġġja karta waħda 256*256 pixels.
2) Single card supports parallel output of 24-group RGB signal.
3) Single card supports output of 64-group serial data.
4) Armor4 has integrated network transformer to simplify the design for users.
5) Armor4 supports various hot backups such as loop backup, backup karta doppja, backup ta 'enerġija doppja eċċ. u swiċċjar bla xkiel.
6) Armor4 supports dual backup of display parameters.
7) Armor4 supports module Flash management and allows for the storage
of calibration coefficients and module information.
8) Armor4 supports applying module Flash calibration coefficients through one-click.
9) Armor4 supports smart module with the functions of storing and managing information like calibration coefficients, informazzjoni tal-modulu, parametri tal-modulu eċċ. as well as flat cable detection and LED pixel-by-pixel error detection and no need for monitoring card.
10) Armor4 supports LCD Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).
11) Armor4 supports temperature monitoring, supply voltage monitoring, and network cable communication status monitoring.
12) Armor4 supports pixel-by-pixel brightness/chroma calibration.
13) Armor4 supports prestoring picture settings.
14) Armor4 supports configuration file readback.
15) Armor4 supports firmware program backup and readback.
16) B'disinn EMC speċifiku biex tnaqqas b'mod effettiv ir-radjazzjoni elettromanjetika.
S'issa m'hemmx reviżjonijiet.