
Huidu утасгүй бүрэн өнгөт LED дэлгэцийн хяналтын карт HD-C30

Анхны үнэ байсан: $153.90.Одоогийн үнэ: $148.50.


Тайзны түрээсийн видео хананд зориулж Huidu led хянагч системийг хамгийн сайн үнээр худалдаж аваарай.

Энэ бүтээгдэхүүн байсан үйлдвэрлэлд байхгүй болсон мөн бидний санал болгож буй хувилбарууд дараах байдалтай байна:HUIDU-C35.

Бүх захиалгаар дэлхий даяар хүргэлт хийнэ.

  • 30 өдрүүдэд хялбар буцаах
  • 14.30 цагаас өмнө захиалгаа өгөөрэй
Аюулгүй тооцоо хийх баталгаатай

1. Huidu Wireless Fullcolor LED Display Controller Card HD-C30 Led display controller functions

HD-C30 is Asynchronous led display controller, and working no need PC. Playing high definition programs .like video, зураг, хөдөлгөөнт дүрс, текст, температур, office file etc. The system include two parts HD-C30 controller and software called HD Player.

Usually one screen with 1pcs HD-C30+1PCS HUB, if the screen is bigger, for best result, user can add R500/R501 cascade connection. So HD-C30 is Full color Asynchronous cascaded controller.

  1. 2. Device list
types model Main function
Full color asynchronous cascade controller HD-C30 Asynchronous core controller, with 4Gmemory function, and connected display

Itself also can be used as 1PCS receiving card


Receiving card



Connected screen, show the program on LED screen
Controller software HD Player Setting screen parameter, edit and

send program

Дагалдах хэрэгсэл HUB board, cable , U-disk

3 Model Selection Reference

Notice: If Display less than 256W*128H, Suggest 1PCS HD-C30+1PCS HUB

If Display 640W*480H, Suggest 1PCS HD-C30 +4PCS R500 or 3PCS R501

If Display 1024W*300H, Suggest 1PCS HD-C30 +4PCS R500 or 4PCS R501

If Display 600W*512H, Suggest 1PCS HD-C30 +4PCS R500 or 3PCS R501

Details Parameter

Module types Compatible indoor and outdoor, full color and single/dual color module; Support virtual module; Support PWM chips such as MBI5041/5042MBI5050、MY9221、MY9268.
Scanning mode Support static scan and 1/32 scan randomly
Хяналтын хүрээ 640*480



Single receiving card pixels control range Suggest HD- R500


Саарал түвшин Дэмжлэг 0-65536 тохируулах боломжтой
Program update Updated by PC, LAN, Internet, U-disk, or mobile hard disk drive

Showing functions

видео, зургууд, animated Gif, текст, office document, цаг, timer etc

Support remote control, температур, чийгшил, brightness expansion function

Video function Support hardware video decoder, sending directly, and without transfer code waiting.


Text Support for text editing, picture insertion and support word、txt、rtf、html direct importing.
Document Support Office2007 such as DOCDOCXXLSXXLSPPTPPTX document format.
Clock Support analog clock, digital clock, A variety of dial clock
Аудио гаралт Standard dual channel stereo output
Memory capacity On board Flash 4GB

Allows users to use U-disk memory expansion

Communication type 100M network Port RJ45, Internet, or LAN
Ашиглалтын температур -20-80


IN: 5V power supply terminal X1, 10/100M RJ45 x1,USB 2.0 x1,The screen test button X1

OUT:1000M RJ45 x1dual stereo: AUDIO x1 , 2 -ийн 50 PIN

Ажлын хүчдэл 4.5V~5.5V
Програм хангамж HDPlayer

Нэмэлт мэдээлэл






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