
Vdwall LVP919 LED Controlller Video Processor

Оригиналната цена беше: $665.00.Тековната цена е: $625.00.


1.Faroudja® Real Color®Picture Processing, Faroudja® DCDI Cinema ProcessingFaroudja® TureLife™Video Image Enhancement.
2. 4*DVI output, Single output has the resolution up to 1920 x 1200_60Hz.
3.Zoom in synchronously mosaic, single unit maximum mosaic level up to 7680 pixels or vertical 4800 пиксели, or 3840×2400 pixels.

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Vdwall LVP919 LED Controlller Video Processor.

Влезови: 2×CVBS ,1×VGA(RGBHV??2×DVI(VESA / CEA-861??2×HDMI(VESA / CEA-861 1×SDI(HD-SDI / 3G-SDI??изборен)
Излези: 4 DVI DVI format(1024 x 768_60Hz/1280 x 1024_60Hz/1200 x 1600_60Hz/3600 x 600_60Hz/.).
1.Faroudja® Real Color®Picture Processing, Faroudja® DCDI Cinema ProcessingFaroudja® TureLife™Video Image Enhancement
2. 4*DVI output, Single output has the resolution up to 1920 x 1200_60Hz.
3.Zoom in synchronously mosaic, single unit maximum mosaic level up to 7680 pixels or vertical 4800 пиксели, or 3840×2400 pixels
4.Multiple analog and digital mixed signals input:2xCVBSxVGAxHDMIxDVIxExt.
5. Seamless Switching, Fade In Fade Out Switching.
6.ПИП(Picture In Picture), Any PIP display; AIAO(Any In Any Out), any input crop and any output.
7. Multiple output resolutions can be set, flexibly adapting to the size of the LED screen.
8.Can preset multiple user-defined display modes, one button switching between modes.
9.Control modes: panel button, software by RS232/USB/LAN, flexible and convenient.
10. Add 4 channels of HDMI audio (only when DVI, HDMI interface is connected to HDMI signal) и 1 channel of SDI audio, до 8 channels of audio synchronously switching.
11. 24/7 Апликација, stable and reliable.
12. Големина: 482.6(L)x274(W)x66.6(H)mm, 4.2KG Power consumption:5В.

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