
SSR-TEMP Temperature Humidity Sensor Colorlight LED Display Accessories

Оригиналната цена беше: $130.00.Тековната цена е: $40.00.


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SSR-TEMP is a high-precision temperature and humidity sensor with good-looking and small appearance, it is designed with standard guide rail structure and it has easy wire connection and simple installation.

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SSR-TEMP Temperature Humidity Sensor Colorlight LED Display Accessories is a high-precision temperature and humidity sensor with good-looking and small appearance, it is designed with standard guide rail structure and it has easy wire connection and simple installation.

SSR-TEMP adopts imported high-precision probe and ensures excellent measurement performance; it has high stability and anti-interference ability, it also has strong barrier property with first-class lightning protection.

Multiple modules can be connected to the bus network via RS485 interface to monitor multiple environmental conditions in real time.

Colorlight SSR-TEMP Temperature Humidity Sensor Accessories Features

·RS485 interface, communication distance up to 1200 метри;

·Imported probe, high precision, wide range, добра конзистентност;

·Designed with standard guide rail structure, easy installation;

·High stability and anti-interference ability;

· Влезен напон: DC5~12V;

·MODBUS RTU standard communication protocol;

·Strong barrier property, first-class lightning protection.

Rated voltage DC5V-12V
Measuring range Температура:-40℃~120 Humidity:0~100%rh
Measuring accuracy Температура: ±0.3 Resolution: 0.1 Влажност:±3%rh Resolution: 0.1rh
Output interface RS485
Communication protocol MODBUS RTU
Communication address 1-247
Baud rate 1200 bit/s,2400 bit/s, 4800 bit/s, 9600 bit/s, 19200 bit/s
Просечна потрошувачка на енергија 0.1В
Wire length 5 метри (standard)
Инсталација Guide rail mounting, walls mounting indoors, ceilings mounting

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