
RGBlink V2 V2S LED Video Processor For LED Screen Wall

Оригиналната цена беше: $305.00.Тековната цена е: $300.00.


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RGBlink V2 V2S LED Video Processor is an easy-to-use video switching processor for video wall-on-demand applications. The input standard HDMI, VGA, composite audio interface.

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RGBlink V2 V2S LED Video Processor For LED Screen Features:

Picture-in-Picture display

Audio and Video synchronization controls

Modular input option

Seamless switching between any in and any out

Mulitple transition effects available

Support TAKE pre-sync for delay

User-defined output resolution

Customized EDID management

Multiple test patterns built-in

Multiple cascaded splicing display

1U standard rack mount


RGBlink V2 V2S LED Video Processor Parameter

RGBlink V2 V2S LED Video Processor Application:

RGBlink V2 V2S LED Video Processor

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