
RGBLink C1US LED Display Video Processor

Оригиналната цена беше: $375.00.Тековната цена е: $370.00.


Откријте додатоци за внатрешен надворешен LED екран од фабриката во Кина.

This product has been no longer in production and our recommended alternatives are as follows:

RGBLink V2.

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RGBLink C1US LED Display Video Processor Features

●Picture in Picture Operation
●Audio and Video Sync
●Seamless Switching
●Fade-in and Fade-out Switch
●User-defined Output Resolution Adjustment
●Output test Pattern Generator
●EDID Management
●Mounted-in slot available for LED sender cards


RGBLink C1US Standard LED Screen Video Processor Overview:

A popular and economical choice, C1US is designed for easy and quick use for on demand video wall applications.
Featuring as standard HDMI, DVI, VGA and Composite as well as 3G-SDI inputs , C1US also includes external audio input and output support.
Dual slots for popular LED Sender Cards are provided, allowing the cards to be installed directly inside the processor, reducing the need for additional equipment.

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