
NovaStar MRV300-2 LED Receiving Card Board For Rental LED Display

Оригиналната цена беше: $27.60.Тековната цена е: $20.00.


Купете Novastar led контролни системи за видео ѕидови за изнајмување на сцената по најдобри цени.

Characteristics of NOVASTAR MRV300-2 Receiving Card Board:
Single card outputs 16-group of RGBR ‘data, can be extended to 32-group;
Single card outputs 20-group of RGB data;

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Загарантирано безбедно плаќање

NovaStar MRV300-2 LED Receiving Card Board Characteristics:

  1. Single card outputs 16-group of RGBR ‘data, can be extended to 32-group;
  2. Single card outputs 20-group of RGB data;
  3. Single card outputs 64-group of serial data, can be expanded to 128 -group;
  4. Single card support resolution 256×128,200×200;
  5. Поддршка за читање на конфигурациската датотека;
  6. Копија на програмата за поддршка;
  7. Support temperature monitoring.
  8. Support Ethernet cable communication status detection;
  9. Support power supply voltage detection;
  10. Support high gray scale and high refresh rate of most type of drive IC;
  11. Support low brightness and high gray scale mode of common drive IC or drive IC with current gain;
  12. Support pixel by pixel brightness and chromaticity calibration. Brightness and chromaticity calibration coefficients for each LED;
  13. Support pre-store picture setting;
  14. Comply with EU RoHs standard;
  15. Comply with EU CE-EMC standard.

NovaStar MRV300-2 LED Receiving Card Board For Rental LED Display.

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