
Novastar MRV200-1 Series LED Receiving Card NovaStar LED Receiver Card

Оригиналната цена беше: $21.61.Тековната цена е: $21.00.


Купете Novastar led контролни системи за видео ѕидови за изнајмување на сцената по најдобри цени.

Следење на температурата. Data Signal and Power status Auto Detection Pixel by pixel brightness and chromaticity calibration.

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Novastar MRV200-1 Series LED Receiving Card NovaStar LED Receiver Card MRV200-1 is the mini version of NOVASTAR LED receiver cards. It has small size and powerful functions

It retails all the functions and features of MRV300 receiver cards, more suitable for LED curtain and die-cast aluminum cabinet.
Its characteristics are as follows.
1)Single card outputs 16-group of RGBR data;
2)Single card outputs 20-group of RGB data;
3)Single card outputs 64-group of serial data;
4)Single card support resolution 256×226;
5)Поддршка за читање на конфигурациската датотека;
6)Копија на програмата за поддршка;
7)Support temperature monitoring;
8)Support Ethernet cable communication status detection;
9)Support power supply voltage detection;
10)Support pixel by pixel brightness and chromaticity calibration. Brightness and chromaticity calibration coefficients for each LED;
11)Support pre-store picture setting;
12)Comply with EU EoHS standard;
13)Comply with EU CE-EMC standard;

Novastar MRV200-1 Series LED Receiving Card NovaStar LED Receiver Card

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