
NovaStar A5S Armor LED Receiving Card Smart Mini LED Receiving Card

Оригиналната цена беше: $20.00.Тековната цена е: $18.00.


Купете Novastar led контролни системи за видео ѕидови за изнајмување на сцената по најдобри цени.

support Piexl level color and brightness calibrationsupport Receving Card Backup Supportsupport RCFG Backup and Readsupport Auto Calibrationsupport Cabinet Mapping :поддршка.

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NovaStar A5S Armor LED Receiving Card Smart Mini LED Receiving Card Description:

A5s is the high-end mini receiving card series of NovaStar with small size and full functions. Дизајниран со конектори со висока густина, anti looseness effect and dust proof function, тој е доста стабилен и сигурен. Картичката на таблата има интегрирани мрежни трансформатори за да се поедностави дизајнот за корисниците. Картичката за табла може да одговара на сите видови апликации.

Nova Armor A5S Smart Mini LED Receiving Card Features:

1) A single card supports 256*256 пиксели.
2) A single card supports parallel output of 32-group RGB signal.
3) A single card outputs 64 множества од сериски податоци.
4) A5s has integrated network transformers to simplify the design for
5) A5s supports various hot backups such as loop backup, dual card
backup, резервна копија со двојно напојување итн. и беспрекорно префрлување.
6) A5s supports dual backup of display parameters.
7) A5s supports module Flash management and allows for storage of
calibration coefficients and module information.
8) Able to apply module Flash calibration coefficients through one
9) A5s supports smart module with the functions of storing and
managing information like calibration coefficients, модул
information, параметри на модулот итн. as well as flat cable detection
and LED pixel-by-pixel error detection without monitoring card.
10) A5s supports LCD Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).
11) Support Maping which will display the serial number and port
number of the current cabinet.
12) A5s supports monitoring of temperature, supply voltage and
network cable communication status.
13) A5s supports pixel-by-pixel brightness/chroma calibration.
14) Support dual backup of calibration coefficients.
15) Support LED ID.
16) A5s supports prestoring picture settings.
17) A5s supports configuration file readback.
18) A5s supports backup and readback of the firmware program.
19) With specific EMC design to effectively reduce electromagnetic

NovaStar A5S Armor LED Receiving Card Smart Mini LED Receiving Card Specification:

Nova Armor A5S Smart Mini LED Receiving Card

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