
NovaLCT Novastar VX400S LED Video Processor for LED Card System

Оригиналната цена беше: $712.00.Тековната цена е: $705.00.


Buy Novastar led display screen controller at factory prices for your video wall panels.

  • Loading capacity: 2.3 милион пиксели.
  • Visualized LCD screen.
  • Video input : 2 × CVBS, 2 × VGA, 1 × SDI, 1 × DVI, 1 × HDMI and 1 × YPbPr..
    Input resolutions up to 1080p@60Hz.
  • HDMI/DVI video input and HDMI audio input.
  • High bit depth video input: 10bit/8bit.
  • video formats: RGB, YCbCr4:2:2 and YCbCr4:4:4.
  • Не е потребен компјутерски софтвер за системска конфигурација.
  • Сeamless high-speed switch and fade-in/fade-out effect.
  • The position and size of ПИП can both be adjusted.
  • NovaStar G4 engine, to realize no flickering or scanning lines image.
  • NovaStar new-generation calibration technology.
  • Вhite balance calibration and color gamut mapping based on different features of the LEDs.

Испорака низ целиот свет на сите нарачки.

  • 30 денови лесно се враќа
  • Нарачајте ја вашата пред 14.30 часот за испраќање истиот ден
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NovaLCT Novastar VX400S LED Video Processor for LED Card System Details.

Novastar VX400S LED Video Processor is a NovaStar professional LED display video controller,

VX400S is excellent in display control, also performs better in powerful front-end video processing.


It has the following features:

NovaLCT Novastar VX400S LED Video Processor HTL LED Card System Specification
Electrical Specification Power Interface 100-240VAC
Потрошувачка на енергија 25В
Operating Condition Работна температура -20℃~+60
Работна влажност 0%RH ~ 95%RH, Non-condensing
Physical Specifications Големина 482.6mm × 250.0mm × 50.1mm
Тежина 2.55 килограм
Бруто тежина 6 килограм
Пакување Carton 550mm × 124mm × 380mm
Accessory 1× power cable, 1×USB cable, 1×DVI cable, 1×HDMI cable

2×BNC -RCA connector

Outer Carton 555mm × 405mm × 180mm
Ниво на бучава 38dB (А)

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12 килограм




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