
LINSN CN901 LED Screen Relaying Card Signal Repeater

Оригиналната цена беше: $40.00.Тековната цена е: $38.00.


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Конектор: RJ45 Supply voltage: +110-220В, 50/60ХЗ (electric transformer is embedded) Indicator status: The No.1 LED indicates signal of the network port next to the LEDs; The No.2 LED indicates signal of the network port farther away from the LEDs; The No.3 LED indicates power. Usage: To extend the signal transmission distance between sending and receiving card. Usually one relaying card can extend 100meters.

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Features of LINSN CN901 LED Screen Relaying Card Signal Repeater:

Конектор: RJ45

Supply voltage: +110-220В, 50/60ХЗ (electric transformer is embedded)

Indicator status:

The No.1 LED indicates signal of the network port next to the LEDs;

The No.2 LED indicates signal of the network port farther away from the LEDs;

The No.3 LED indicates power.

Usage: To extend the signal transmission distance between sending and receiving card. Usually one relaying card can extend 100meters.

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