
CZCL A-400FAA 400W Power Supply LED Display Drive Power Source

Оригиналната цена беше: $24.40.Тековната цена е: $24.00.


CZCL A-400FAA 400W Power Source LED Display Drive Power Supply has short-circuit and overload protection function, висока ефикасност, compact housing design, good heat dissipation, to protect this series of products can be long-term stable work.

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CZCL A-400FAA 400W Power Supply LED Display Drive Power Source Overview

CZCL A-400FAA 400W LED Display Drive Power Supply series of products is a 400W LED display drive power supply, input voltage range: 90-132VAC/176-264VAC, output voltage are 2.8V, 3.3В, 3.8В, 4.2В, 4.5В, 5В, итн., can be applied to LED display, LED indicator, LED TV wall and other LED display field.
CZCL A-400FAA 400W LED Display Drive Power Supply has short-circuit and overload protection function, висока ефикасност, compact housing design, good heat dissipation, to protect this series of products can be long-term stable work.

Features of CZCL A-400FAA 400W LED Display Power Source:

-20~+70 working temperature
Radiator fan forced cooling
Short circuit/overload protection function
100% full-load ageing
High efficiency and reliability
2 годишна гаранција

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