
Colorlight Z4 4K UHD LED Controller integrated with Led Video Splicer Switcher

Оригиналната цена беше: $6,372.92.Тековната цена е: $6,350.00.

Purchase Colorlight led controller systems for your stage rental and advertising video walls at best prices.

Colorlight Z4 4K UHD LED Controller integrated with Video Splicer & Switcher.

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Загарантирано безбедно плаќање

Z4 is a professional LED display controller. As video splicer, processor and sender
in one combined, Z4 has high capability of video signal reception, processing and
transmission. It achieves excellent high-definition images and flexible image control
function. Z4 can be applied to popular rental display and common fixed display
Video input ports including 1xHDMI(with loop), 1xDVI(with loop), SDI×2, VGA×1;
Input resolution up to 1920×;
Support PIP and picture window roaming, the location and size of PIP can be adjusted freely;
Support 12bit HD video source;
Loading capacity: 2.3 милиони пиксели; Maximum Width: 4096 пиксели, Maximum Height: 4096 пиксели;
Support splicing and cascading among several controllers with synchronization strictly;
Support brightness and chromaticity adjustment, color gamut transformation;
Support zero latency of sending;
Support improved gray-scale at low brightness;
Support HDCP1.4;
Compatible with all receiving cards , multifunction card, optical fiber transceivers of Colorlight.

The Front Panel

Colorlight Z4 4K UHD LED Controller integrated with Led Video Splicer Switcher

БР Име Функција
1 1.8-inch LCD Display operation menu and system information
2 Knob Turning knob to select or adjust
добро/распон>Enter key
3 Function keys ESC/распон>Escape current operation or selection
Bright/распон>Brightness option
Замрзнете:Freeze screen
ПИП PIP switch
4 Selection keys DVI/HDMI/SDI1/SDI2/VGA/распон>set up video source input

The Back Panel

Colorlight Z4 4K UHD LED Controller integrated with Led Video Splicer Switcher

Input Interface
1 HDMI HDMI1.4 input with loop
2 DVI DVI input with loop
3 ИПП 2x3G-SDI inputs
4 VGA VGA input
Излезен интерфејс
1 Fiber Output 2 singlemode LC fiber outputs
2 Гигабитен етернет 4 Гигабитни етернет излези
3 HDMI HDMI monitoring output
Controlling Interface
1.100M Ethernet Network Control (communication with PC,
or access network)
2.USB_OUT USB output, cascading with next controller
3.USB_IN USB input, connection with PC to configure
parameters of display image
5.GENLOCK_LOOP Genlock signal loop output

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