
Colorlight X7 LED Controller Card Processor for Led Video Display

Оригиналната цена беше: $755.00.Тековната цена е: $725.00.


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Colorlight X7 LED Controller is a professional control system and video processing equipment specially designed for LED engineering applications.
It equips various video signal interfaces, supports high-definition digital ports.

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Colorlight X7 LED Controller Card Processor for Led Display.

Colorlight X7 LED Controller is a professional control system and video processing equipment specially designed for LED engineering applications.
It equips various video signal interfaces, supports high-definition digital ports (ИПП, HDMI, DVI), and seamless switching between signals can be achieved.
It supports broadcast quality scaling and multi-pictures display.

Supports various digital signal ports, including 1×SDI, 1×HDMI, 2×DVI.
Supports input resolution up to 1920×1200@60Hz.
Loading capacity: 5.2 милиони пиксели, Максимална ширина: 8192 пиксели, Максимална висина: 4096 пиксели.
Supports arbitrary switching of video sources.
Supports arbitrary switching of video sources.
Supports three-picture display, the location and size can be adjusted freely.
Поддржува 16 kinds of preset modes, the saved preset parameters can be loaded at any time according to needs.
Supports HDCP1.4.
Dual USB2.0 for high speed configuration and easy cascading among controllers.
Supports adjustment of brightness, chromaticity, contrast ratio, tone, and saturation.
Supports improved gray-scale performance at low brightness.
Compatible with all receiving cards, multifunction cards, and optical fiber converters of Colorlight.

Colorlight X7 LED Controller Card Processor.

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