
Colorlight X20 Controller for P1.9 P2.6 P2.9 P3.9 LED Display Video Wall Screen

Оригиналната цена беше: $2,450.00.Тековната цена е: $1,200.00.


Buy Colorlight led display screen controller at factory prices for your video wall panels.

X20 controller is a 4k video editing processor possessing powerful video signal input and processing capacity. It supports 4K inputs with DP1.4 and HDMI2.0 connectors.

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Colorlight X20 Controller is a 4k video editing processor possessing powerful video signal input and processing capacity. It supports 4K inputs with DP1.4 and HDMI2.0 connectors, and 2K inputs with HDMI1.4 and DVI connectors, and the multiple signals can be seamlessly switched.

A single unit features a loading capacity of 11.8 милиони пиксели, со 16384 pixels in maximum width or 8192 pixels in maximum height.

Equipped with 20 1000BASE-T Ethernet ports and 2 10GBASE-T optical ports, X20 is able to meet the need of different clients.

Additionally, ColorLight X20 controller boasts abundant practical functions that enable flexible screen control and high-quality image display.

Colorlight X20 LED Controller Features

·Влезни конектори: 1×DP 1.4, 1×HDMI2.0, 2×HDMI1.4, 2×DVI

·Loading capacity: 13 милиони пиксели, максимална ширина: 16384 пиксели, or maximum height: 8192 пиксели

·Input resolution: up to 4096×2160@60Hz, supporting customized setting

·Излезни конектори: 20× Гигабитна етернет порта, 2×10G optical fiber port

·Support video source switching, cropping, splicing and scaling

·Support up to 6 windows, of which the location and size can be freely adjusted

·Separate audio input and output

·HDCP 2.3 усогласен

·Brightness and color temperature adjustment

·Better gray at low brightness

·Compatible with all series of receiver cards, multifunction cards and fiber converters of Colorlight

Input Connector
HDMI2.0 1×HDMI2.0
DP1.4 1×DP1.4
Output Connector
Port1-20 RJ450×1000BASE-T Ethernet port
Fiber1 Fiber2 Dual LC,2×10GBASE-T optical port
Control Connector
USB_OUT USB output,for cascading with the X20 controller
USB_IN USB input,connecting to PC for debugging
RS232 RJ11P6C??used to communicate via 3rd party interfaces
Audio Connector
AUDIO IN Audio input, for inputting audio signals from the computer or other devices

Audio output, for outputting audio signals to the speaker (Support outputting the audio signals of HDMI and DP)

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